Title: Ayam Bakar

Yield: 2 servings

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Category: Entree, Chicken

Cuisine: Indonesian

Source: Instructables

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Trim the fat from the chicken breasts and season lightly with salt and pepper and place inside a small plastic bag.
Add the juice from the two limes into the bag.
Work the lime juice and the salt and pepper around the chicken and then store in the refrigerator for about 10 mins as you cut vegetables / add spices.

Peel the garlic, red pearl onions and garlic.
Wash the Chili Peppers.
Now throw them all into a blender with the spices with a tiny bit of water to get a blended but chunky consistency. If you process it completely, it will come out really watery and you want the sauce to be really thick. If your pieces are still too thick, you may want to take the bottom part of a spoon and smash them a little bit smaller. By this point, your kitchen should be smelling fantastic!
Now add about 1/2 c. to 3/4 c. of the sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) to the mixture of spices.

Now you are going to want to take the chicken out of the fridge.
Be sure to drain the lime juice out of the bag. Again, if you add the lime juice, the mixture may get too watery. If you like a pronounced lime flavor, you can add a bit of lime juice after the fact. However in this case, I did not.
After the lime juice is drained, you are going to want to put the chicken inside the sauce and mix it evenly so that the sauce gets all over the chicken.
Once you are convinced it is evenly distributed, feel free to throw it on the grill on medium heat. (I used briquettes but whatever you use for grilling should work just fine)
Once you have evenly cooked the chicken, (About 5 minutes on each side) crank up the heat to make a caramelized/ crunchy layer of sauce on the chicken. You do this by basting layers of the sauce on each side with a basting brush. If there are little chunks of chili, garlic etc. on the brush - even better! That will just enhance the flavor! The high heat will make the sauce stick on the chicken nicely and will give a delicious crunch! You will want to do this flipping/basting technique on both sides for about another 5 minutes until it looks like the picture displayed. Now comes the best part! EATING!!!


Ayam Bakar, literally meaning roasted/grilled chicken, is one of the many flavorful dishes that Indonesia has to offer. While living there for two years, I discovered this local favorite and instantly fell in love with it. Its thick sweet and spicy sauce instantly takes your senses for a ride and makes your house smell like Christmas had a barbecue baby. Needless to say, when you make this recipe, you will not be disappointed.

Lots of photos on website & in the .pdf I downloaded into the Instructables folder