Title: Bean and Sausage Soup, V2.0
Yield: 10 servings
Cooking time: 8 hours
Preparation time: 1/2 hour
Category: Soup
Soak beans is a large pot, covered with 2 quarts of water. Allow beans to soak overnight
After soaking, drain water. Add beans to crockpot
Brown the breakfast sausage, add to crockpot
dice the onion and mince the garlic. Add to crock pot.
Add in the can of tomatoes.
Add the chicken broth.
Add in 1 cup of white wine.
Add the spices.
Add enough water to cover the beans (to a depth of 1-2 inches, about 2 cups).
Add dry spices, stir well.
Cook on low for 7-8 hours
add white wine and juice of 1 lemon
When I made this last time I put in some cayenne pepper, made it too hot. Leave out of next batch.
The bean mix I used had too many black eyed peas; they take too long to cook. If I use them again should pre-cook them some first.
After sampling the soup again the next day I decided that 1) don't use blackeyed peas at all; 2) it's a good heat level for Karen and me so back to 1 1/2 tsp black pepper and up to 1/2 tsp cayenne.