Title: Cardamom-Allspice Rubbed Roast Chicken

Yield: 30 servings

Category: Chicken, Entree

Source: Bro. Larry von Weigel, 32°, THE SCOTTISH RITE JOURNAL

Original Page from ubs.royle.com



Preheat oven to 400°F.

In a small sauté pan add the coriander seeds, cumin, cardamom, and peppercorns, and lightly toast until very fragrant. Immediately remove from pan and let cool in small bowl for a few minutes. Add to spice grinder and grind into fine powder.

Add all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

In a one-pound zip lock bag add a few pieces of chicken and enough dry mix to coat liberally. Seal bag with dry rub and chicken and shake well. (For sanitation purposes make sure to add spice mix to the bag using a large spoon so that y you don’t cross contaminate the spice rub mix). Repeat until all pieces of chicken are coated.

Spread chicken evenly on an aluminum-foil lined baking sheet, place in center of oven, and bake for approximately 25–30 minutes or until thermometer reads 165°F and all juices from thickest pieces run clear.

Store unused dry rub in an airtight container.


Chicken is a staple of Scottish Rite dinners, though it’s too often fried chicken from a fast-food restaurant. This chicken smells heavenly when it comes hot from the oven with its spice dry rub—it’s nothing like a bucket of fried chicken! The mango rice is a nice accompaniment, and the mint julep is
refreshing whether made with bourbon or club soda.

Bro. Larry von Weigel, 32°, is Junior Warden at Federal Lodge No. 1 in Washington, DC. He works as Assistant General Manager of the Occidental Grill and also designs, photographs, and creates recipes for his food blog cravinsome.com. THE SCOTTISH RITE JOURNAL