Title: Apple Crisp, Old Home
Yield: 1 Crisp
Category: Dessert, Dutch Oven
Source: Byron Bills
Prepare Apple Filling:
In a large mixing bowl soak currants in 1/4 cup rum for 30 minutes.
Add the remaining filling ingredients and stir to mix well.
Cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 1 hour until juices run.
Prepare Crisp Topping:
In a medium mixing bowl add all topping ingredients except butter; stir to combine.
Cut butter into small pieces and add to other ingredients. Use your fingers to work butter into flour mixture until coarse crumbs form.
Assemble Crisp:
Add prepared filling to a clean lightly oiled 12" Dutch oven; spread evenly.
Sprinkle crisp topping evenly over top of filling.
Cover oven and bake using 10-12 briquettes bottom and 18-20 briquettes top (375░ F.) for about 1 hour until crisp is golden brown and filling is bubbly.
For even browning make sure to rotate the base and lid of the oven a 1/4 turn in opposite directions every 10-15 minutes.
Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or topped with whipped cream.