Title: Applesauce Cake

Yield: 1 Cake

Category: Dessert, Dutch Oven

Source: Byron Bills



Prepare Batter: In a large bowl cream together sugar, butter, and salt. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and cocoa powder; cream well. Stir soda into cold water then add to applesauce. Mix applesauce then flour into wet ingredients. Stir in raisins and nuts.

Bake: Grease and flour the bottom and sides of a 12" Dutch oven. Pour batter into Dutch oven and spread evenly to sides. Bake using 8-10 briquettes bottom and 14-16 briquettes top for 60-90 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean. For best results rotate oven and lid 90░ in opposite directions every 15 minutes while baking. Allow cake to cool in pan for 15 minutes. Invert cake onto a cooling rack and finish cooling. Cut cake in half horizontally. Separate halves.

Prepare Frosting: Cream together all ingredients until lumps are all gone and frosting is smooth.

Assemble Cake: Set 1 cake layer on a plate cut side up. Spread frosting across top of cake half. Top with second cake layer, cut side down. Frost top and sides with remaining frosting


Source: "http://papadutch.home.comcast.net/~papadutch/dutch-oven-recipe-applesaucecake.htm"Copyright: "Copyright ® 2003 by Byron Bills. All rights reserved."

This recipe makes a very good cake that fills a 12" Dutch oven. Lots of cake!