Title: Belizean Rice and Beans
Category: Dutch Oven
Cuisine: Caribbean
Source: Mark's Black Pot
Original Page from marksblackpot.blogspot.comUse a hot 10" dutch oven and coals to cook the salt meat. This time, I used smoked sausage, sliced pretty thin. Once that was browned, I added everything else, adjusted the coals to 13 above, 7 below, and cooked it, stirring occasionally, until the rice was done. Actually, you don't even need the meat. In most cases, Belizeans don't include it. But they sometimes did. I like it, myself. One lady used to make us Rice and Beans, and serve it piled up high on the plate with a couple of pieces of barbecue chicken on top. THAT was yummy! The two dishes were served side by side, the Escabeche in a bowl, with corn tortillas on the side, and the Rice and Beans on a small plate. The people there often eat the escabeche without utensils, using pieces of the tortillas to pick up the onions and the chicken with their fingers. Some will fold the tortillas to make spoons to get the vinegar broth, others just drink that from the bowl. We used to joke that a greenie missionary became a true Belizean elder when he could eat a whole heaping bowl of Escabeche without touching his fork or spoon.
NOTES : 10" Dutch Oven
7 coals below
13 coals above