Title: Devin’s Dutch Oven Chicken & Sausage
Yield: 12 servings
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Category: Dutch Oven, Entree
Original Page:https://www.favfamilyrecipes.com/devins-dutch-oven-chicken-sausage/Heat Dutch oven with heated coals. Use about 15 coals on the bottom and 10-15 coals on the lid.
Add the chicken and pork (optional) to the hot Dutch oven.
Place the lid on top and check occasionally.
Cook until chicken is white and cooked through (DO NOT OVERCOOK).
Drain ALL the water from the oven. Add the sausage and BBQ sauce (add enough to completely drench the meat).
Cook another 10-15 minutes, covered.
Remove from heat, serve, and enjoy!