Title: Dutch Oven Campfire Bread

Yield: 1 Loaf

Category: Dutch Oven, Bread

Source: Camcace Shaw

Original Page from www.candaceshaw.ca



Dissolve sugar in 1/2 cup warm water in a small bowl. Sprinkle yeast over top. Let stand 10 minutes, then stir briskly with a fork.

Add yeast mixture to 1/2 cup warm water in a large bowl. Stir in 2 cups flour, sesame seeds, and salt. Mix until smooth.

Gradually add enough of the remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough.

Turn dough onto lightly floured board and knead until smooth and elastic (about 10 minutes).

Place dough in a lightly greased warm bowl; grease the top of the dough by turning it over once or twice in the bowl.Cover with wax paper and a clean towel.

Let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, at least 1 hour.

Line your Dutch Oven with parchment paper

Punch down the risen dough and place it in the Dutch Oven.

Dutch Oven Campfire BreadCover with greased waxed paper and let rise until doubled, about 1 hour.

Build a fire; getting to a point where you have an appropriate amount of coals will take approx 45 min to an hour. Coals are pieces of the firewood that have broken up into pieces; the wood is mostly charcoal, but they are still on fire and emitting heat.

Once you have enough hot coals (approximately 8 or so for the bottom, 8-10 for the top), make a level space in the firepit and place about 8 coals there.

Remove waxed paper from the dough, and place Dutch Oven lid on top.

Carefully place the Dutch Oven on top of the coals.

Place 8-10 coals on the Dutch Oven lid

Bake 25-30 minutes until golden. Take care in removing the lid – it’s easy to get ash from the coals into your food.

Remove bread from Dutch Oven; allow bread to cool and serve!