Title: Irish Lamb Stew for 14" deep Dutch Oven
Cooking time: 2 1/2 hours
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Category: Stew
Cuisine: Irish
Original Page from allrecipes.comPlace bacon in a preheated 14" Dutch oven, about 17-20 coals underneath. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain, crumble, and set aside.
Put lamb, salt, pepper, and flour in large mixing bowl. Toss to coat meat evenly.
Brown meat in the Dutch oven with bacon fat. Place meat aside in a bowl (leave 1/4 cup of fat in the DO).
Add the garlic and yellow onion to the DO and saute till onion begins to become golden.
Deglaze DO with 1/2 cup water and add the garlic-onion mixture and add the lamb, bacon pieces, Guiness, vegetable stock, and sugar to the DO.
Cover and simmer for 1 1/2 hours, maintaining "rule of 3" with coals. Rotate every 15 minutes and stir occasionally.
Add carrots, onions, potatoes, thyme, bay leaves, and wine to DO.
Reduce heat, and simmer covered for 20 minutes until vegetables are tender
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NOTES : From a review on the website: Very good recipe. I did tweak quite a bit. Scaled recipe for 6 servings and made the following changes:
1/2 lb bacon(good bacon from meat counter) 2 lbs lamb steaks 1 onion divided 1 Tbs brown sugar no thyme 1/2 C red wine to deglaze pan
Then threw everything in crock pot after browning and sauteing and deglazing, cooked on low 4 hrs added 1 Cup or so Guinness, cooked another hour, stirred in fresh, chopped parsley and
served with Irish brown soda bread.
Keith's notes - I made a variant of this recipe for a Scottish Rite meal and it was very well received. In my variant I doubled the vegetables and liquid. Also added some barley for thickening.