Title: Pinwheel Fruit Cobbler with Caramel Sauce
Yield: 1 ten inch single layer cake
Category: Dutch Oven, Dessert
Source: Dutch Oven Madness Website
Original Page from dutchovenmadness.blogspot.comPrepare the sugar syrup by boiling the water and sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Set aside to cool.
Prepare the pastry by cutting the flour into the shortening until it is the consistency of small peas. Add the milk and form into a ball in the middle of the bowl. Place dough on a lightly floured board and roll out into a rectangle about 1/4" thick. Drain fruit and spread on the pastry dough. Roll up jelly roll fashion. Slice in 1" thick slices.
Bake the pastry - Preheat your dutch oven with 8 coals on the bottom. When the oven is warm, melt the butter. Place the pinwheel slices carefully in the oven. Gently pour the sugar syrup over the slices. Cover and place 17 coals on the lid in a checkerboard pattern. Bake 15 minutes. Remove all but 4 coals from the bottom of the oven and bake an additional 30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm with caramel sauce.
For the caramel sauce, melt the caramels in a small dutch oven over very low heat.and thin to desired consistency with evaporated milk.