Title: Potato & Chickpea Curry With Rice II
Yield: 8 servings
Cooking time: 1 hour
Preparation time: 1/2 hour
Category: Dutch Oven, Entree, Vegetarian, Vegetarian
Cuisine: Indian
Source: Vegetarian Times
Original Page from www.food.comGenerously spray inside of 5 1/2 or 6-quart Dutch oven with cooking spray.
Preheat the Dutch oven to appx 450 degrees.
Combine tomatoes, onion, garlic, curry powder, and remaining 3/4 cup broth in bowl. Season with salt and pepper.
Stir together rice and 2 1/4 cups broth in the DO. Top with potatoes, season with salt and pepper, then add chickpeas.
Spread tomato mixture over chickpeas, then top with spinach.
Cover pot, and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or about 3 minutes after aroma wafts from oven.
NOTES : one reviewer said this recipe was too dry, added 1 cup broth & cooked another 30 minutes. Another reviewer suggested using garam masala and chili powder to punch it up a bit.
This is a 12" DO recipe and it calls for a hot (450) oven, so use about 25 coals on top and 8-10 on the bottom. Preheat the DO for best results, be careful adding the ingredients to the hot DO.
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