Title: Roasted Acorn Squash, Shallots and Rosemary

Yield: 6 servings

Category: Vegetable, Dutch Oven

Source: Everyday Dutch Oven Website

Original Page from www.everydaydutchoven.com



Lightly oil or spray dutch oven.
Prepare acorn squash, carefully cut each half into four wedges.
Peel shallots, leaving root ends intact (separate into lobes, if large).
Combine shallots, squash, rosemary, olive oil and balsamic vinegar in dutch oven.
Season with salt and pepper; toss well to coat.
Bake at 450 degrees for 40-45 minutes, turning squash halfway through, until browned and tender.


This different and flavorful way of roasting acorn squash from Martha Stewart infuses delicate wedges of tender squash with a sweet syrup of olive oil, rosemary and balsamic vinegar. An easy way to serve squash from your dutch oven, add more shallots if you can, they sweeten like candy as they cook. I roasted mine in a 12 inch oven with 12 coals in a ring around the bottom and the lid completely covered with 28-30 coals, you'll need a blazing hot oven. With only a few ingredients, the clean, simple flavors of this side dish will go well with any roast on your fall table.