Title: Mom Lynn's Famous Cajun Jambalaya
Yield: 20 servings
Category: Entree
Cuisine: Cajun
Source: Great Cajun Cooking website
Original Page from www.greatcajuncooking.com:80Procedure: Cut up the pork ribs into 2-piece sections. Sprinkle seasonings over the meat to your personal taste. Toss in a few teaspoons of vinegar and mix the meat well. Brown the ribs along with the pork sausage in a large baking pan at 400 degrees until the meat is very brown. Stir occasionally to keep pieces from sticking. Once the meat is brown, put the meat in a large roaster, along with 3 quarts of rice, 3 1/2 quarts of water, 3 cups of vegetable seasoning, the dried shrimp, some Kitchen Bouquet, and enough oil to keep the rice from sticking. Heat over a high fire until it begins to boil.
Once the water starts boiling, taste it to see if you have enough ground seasonings. Add as necessary. Also add more Kitchen Bouquet if your jambalaya is not brown enough. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and reduce the heat to Medium-Low. Stir occasionally until the rice is cooked.