Title: Pork and Hash Brown ShepherdÆs Pie

Yield: 6 servings

Cooking time: 1 hour

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Category: Entree, Meat

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Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Position oven rack about 8 inches from the broiler.
In a small stockpot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat, warm oil.
Add pork and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned on all sides.
Sprinkle in flour and cook, stirring, for 1 minute.
Add chicken broth, stirring until smooth, and bring to a boil.
Remove from heat and stir in spinach, mixed vegetables, Italian seasoning, and salt and pepper to taste.
Transfer pork mixture to a 2 1/2-quart casserole dish, spreading it out evenly.
Arrange potatoes on top and bake until heated through, about 40 minutes.
Turn on the broiler and continue to cook until the potatoes are browned, about 5 minutes.