Title: Pork Schnitzel with Sage Butter
Yield: 4 servings
Category: Entree, Pork
Cuisine: German
Source: From Coast by Rachel Allen, HarperCollins 2016
Original Page from www.splendidtable.orgMix all the ingredients for the sage butter in a bowl. Put on a sheet of greaseproof paper, roll into a log and chill.
Place the pork fillet slices between two sheets of cling film and, using a rolling pin, gently beat until flattened to about 5mm (1/4 in) thick.
Mix the flour with a pinch of salt and a twist of pepper in a bowl big enough to toss the pork in; in another bowl mix the breadcrumbs with 1/4 teaspoon of salt, a few twists of pepper and the lemon zest; and in a third bowl whisk the eggs together. Dip each piece of pork into the flour, then into the egg and then in the crumbs. Make sure they are well coated.
Heat 1 tablespoon each of butter and olive oil in a frying pan and fry the schnitzels in batches, adding more butter and oil when needed. Keep the cooked schnitzels, uncovered, in a warm oven while you cook the rest.
Serve with slices of sage butter melting on top. Can be served with a salad and seasonal greens.
A pork version of the traditional German veal schnitzel, this is a great family favourite in our house. Feel free to ring the changes with the flavoured butter, or use other greens such as wild garlic, watercress or parsley. Chicken, turkey, beef and lamb also work well.