Title: Savoury Peanut Chicken
Yield: 6 servings
Category: Chicken, Meat, Entree
Source: Trini Gourmet Website
Original Page from www.trinigourmet.com1. Squeeze lemon juice over chicken parts
2. Sprinkle liberally on all sides with salt and pepper
3. Set aside
4. Combine mint jelly, margarine, pepper sauce and mustard.
5. Microwave for 10 -20 seconds to liquify the mixture
6. Stir to combine
7. Pour over chicken and turn pieces to make sure all sides are covered
8. Set aside for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight
9. Preheat oven to 450F
10. Combine peanuts, oats, paprika in food processor
11. Pulse until finely ground
12. Dip chicken pieces into beaten egg,
13. Place chicken pieces on greased baking sheet with skin side up.
14. Sprinkle peanut mixture evenly on the coated side
15. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes
This recipe is an exclusive TriniGourmet original. Please do not share it or post it to your site without crediting TriniGourmet.com. A link back to our site is not necessary but always appreciated 🙂
The final result was a crunchy and surprisingly savoury delight. Contrary to my expectations the peanut flavour was quite muted as was the mint and mustard, in fact none of the flavours particularly stood out. Instead they formed a harmonious backdrop, enhancing the chicken without overpowering it.